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If you are new on Reddit, you must be confused about all the hype about their karma system. So what exactly is karma? When it comes to Reddit, karma is simply the points you get when someone upvotes your content.
Having a large amount of karma on your profile is necessary to access some particular subreddits. Apart from this, they usually only serve as a token of grandeur you should be proud of.
This article will guide you on how to get karma on Reddit quickly and easily.
Understand How the Reddit Karma System Works
Before we get into details and hectic procedures, you should have a basic understanding of Reddit’s algorithm. Keep in mind that quality, engaging posts will result in more upvotes, and hence more karma.
Should you present bad content, however, you might get downvotes, which might reduce your karma points.
At the same time you should also understand the different types of Karma. There are two:
- Post Karma: You can get post karma if you receive upvotes on your posts that contain either any external links, or text-only content.
- Comment Karma: You can get comment karma if you receive upvotes on your comments on existing posts or links.
How to Get Karma on Reddit – Here’re My Secret Tips I Have Used to Increase Reddit Karma from 0 to 90+
Well, I have registered my Reddit account back in 2017. However, I was not used to update the account regularly and thus I couldn’t see any Karma improvement since mid 2019.
I think, after August 2019, I have started updating my reddit account regularly by following below mentioned tips.
Surprisingly, it helps me to improve the Reddit Account Karma like this (From 0 to 90+).
Here are the tips I have followed to increase the Reddit Karma –
1) Visit Large Subreddits
As your karma points mainly depend upon the amount of exposure your posts get, you should post your content on popular subreddits. More people will engage with you, and hence you will get a larger amount of upvotes.
2) Select a Thought Provoking Title for Your Posts
Now that we know the basics of how to gain Reddit karma, we will go through some points which can boost up the speed of our process.
Your title should make the readers want to click on your post. This does not mean that you go for a ‘click-bait’ title as that could get you downvotes.
3) Post on Popular Issues, Breaking News
The world is full of fresh, juicy stories. Every hour, something new happens that takes the internet by storm. Keep an eye out for such stories and be ready to make a post on them when the time comes. This will get you a large amount of audience, keen to discuss the events feverishly.
4) Post Veteran Memes, Images, and Videos on /r/pics & /rvideos/
When you repost an image or a video that was once viral on the internet, it is likely to gain the attention of old-timers as well as new Redditors.
5) Post on Less Popular Subreddits As Well
Posting on popular subreddits will naturally expose your posts to a larger audience. But popular subreddits host a fierce competition. Your post may get lost beneath a sea of quality content. To avoid this, make sure that you are active on less popular subreddits as well.
6) Post Questions on /r/AskReddit
AskReddit is one of the most popular subreddits on the app. If you post a humorous, or engaging question, you may attract hundreds of Redditors to engage with your content.
You can ensure maximum engagement by doing the following:
- Upvote all your responses and reply to their answers.
- If you respond to comments, you will get more Karma points. Reply to the most popular answers with something witty. If the post calls for compassion and kindness, do not hesitate to show them either.
7) Keep an Eye Out for the ‘HOT’ Tab
The hot tab is located on the top of Reddit when you sign into your account. This tab is basically a collection of the most popular threads on the reddits that you have subscribed to. Because of the large amount of engagement these posts are getting, commenting on these posts will get you more karma points.
8) Up your GIF Game
Not many people will have the time to read what everyone has written on a busy thread. If you post a relevant GIF on the comment section of a popular thread, you are likely to garner a large amount of views.
These are some foolproof ways on how to get karma on Reddit without having to work day and night for it.
Reddit is a popular collection of various forums on which a large number of people interact on a daily basis. The Karma system is an initiative to draw a hierarchy between the seasoned Redditors and the new ones. As such, having a large amount of Karma on your Reddit profile is definitely a must if you like the website too much.